Thursday, October 8, 2009


Speaking of my Costume class, I'm working on designing a set of costumes for Ethan Cohen's play Waiting from the collection of short plays Almost and Evening. My particular assignment is to set it in the 1870's American South-East and the costumes are to be inspired by the Crinoline period. My first thoughts were "this is going to be awful and hard to make" and now after looking at so much Gone with the Wind and Little Women movie stills (and more accurate sources I promise) I think it'll probably be a lot of fun, although still really hard to make. The images from the top are: an altered photograph meant to inspire women to ideal proportions, a crinoline cage worn over the shift and under one petticoat and skirt (from the Victoria and Albert Museum), a cartoon from Punch magazine making fun of this new-fangled bustle business, and of course pre-civil war Scarlet O'Hara.

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