Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Just finished this drawing, it has a counterpart which will be coming soon. Also some photographic counterparts where my head is not on fire and I hope they work out (I haven't developed the sheet negatives yet). In other news, my art work from my semester abroad in Italy FINALLY arrived this week! I've finally documented most of the work and it should be up on my website by the end of this week!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Up an' Out

framing it up, shipping it out.
(it's not actually shipping anywhere, they're picking it up)


Will from rare books and manuscripts at the Walters Art Museum, where I worked this summer, showed me these crazy Durer wood blocks of some scenes from Revelations; one of them had an angel with a sword that has a cloud body, a head made of the rays of the sun and columns of fire for legs. I doodled this during a meeting later that day and then it became a small painting. I'm sorry tat I'm just showing you these small pieces that I make to go in different directions every now and then, but the larger works are taking their time and I'm not really ready to show them yet. I'm working on them and will post them soon.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


siamese twins at the Comme des Garcons SS2011 collection have me pretty excited.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I feel like there's a lot of energy buzzing around and this is what it looks like.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I've been working on paintings lately. This is a small one I did last week, I've been feeling the tightrope walker lately.